About me
I am a photographer from Austria based in Salzburg. I love being in the nature and the mountains, which also awakened my passion for photography. During my hikes in the mountains around Salzburg I felt more and more the desire to capture the beauty of the moment with the camera. Over time, I also discovered other genres for me.
Today I distinguish myself through my versatility. Among other things, two of my photos from Dubai were featured in the renowned finnish photo magazine Docu Book in the category best of documentary & street photography. In addition, some of my pictures have already found new owners in the Netherlands, New York and England.
Outdoor ✔️
Lifestyle ✔️
Car PhotograpHy ✔️
Tourism ✔️
Landscape ✔️
Travel ✔️
Do you want to work with me?
CURRENT EXHIBITON At the Tauroa Hotel Seehotel Grundlsee
Published BY GULF NEWs
My photos in your room
Take a look at the examples below and fall in love with awesome print ideas for your walls!
Contact me
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +4367762689122
Take a look around my gallery and get a feeling for my work and what fascinates my customers about it. If you don't find what you're looking for, get in touch - I'll be happy to help.
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